Hi! I'm Zack,

a former audio engineer turned software engineer. With a rich background in the music industry, working alongside artists and music labels, I've transitioned my creative problem-solving skills into the world of technology.

Here, you'll find a showcase of my software engineering projects, highlighting my expertise in web development, natural language processing, and user-centric design. Explore my journey from soundwaves to code, and see how my unique blend of experiences fuels my passion for creating innovative and impactful digital solutions.


Full-Stack Developer & Digital Solutions Lead


• August 2023 - Current

At SMC, I contributed to the digital success of nationally recognized brands by delivering high-quality web solutions. My key responsibilities included:

  • Web Development: Developed pixel-perfect websites and interactive web experiences, meticulously catering to the distinctive needs of nationally recognized brands.
  • Mobile App Development: Created interactive Android and iOS games using React Native, collaborating with large corporations and nonprofits to deliver engaging mobile experiences.
  • Support and Maintenance: Provided continuous support and maintenance for websites built with WordPress and React.js, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
  • Collaborative Communication: Worked closely with project managers, designers, content writers, and clients, maintaining a professional, clear, and friendly communication style to ensure project success and client satisfaction.
Tailwind CSS
React Native

Software Engineer

Sounds Like Soma

• January 2018 - August 2023

At Sounds Like Soma, I played a pivotal role in enhancing the digital presence and operational efficiency of recording studios, music labels, and independent artists. My key contributions included:

  • Web Development: Conceptualized, designed, developed, and deployed cutting-edge responsive websites and interactive promotional materials tailored specifically for the music industry.
  • SEO Implementation: Spearheaded successful implementation of SEO best practices, significantly enhancing search rankings and driving consecutive yearly sales growth over five years.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimized upload and download speeds to the local server, resulting in notable performance improvements across four recording studio spaces.
  • IT Support and Maintenance: Delivered comprehensive IT technical support and maintenance services, managing all computers, servers, and a vast repository of over 50TB of digital assets.
Tailwind CSS


  • Nihongo Japanese AI chatbot

    Nihongo Japanese AI chatbot

    Developed a Japanese language practice chatbot to enhance users' speaking and writing skills in Japanese. The chatbot leverages OpenAI APIs for natural language processing, built with a modern tech stack including Next.js for server-side rendering and Tailwind CSS for responsive design

    OpenAI API
    Tailwind CSS
  • Electronic press kit for artists

    Electronic press kit for artists

    Developed a reusable electronic press kit (EPK) template for musicians and artists to showcase their songs, artwork, photos, and videos. The template is designed for easy customization and efficient deployment.

    Tailwind CSS
    Responsive Design
  • American-Japanese fusion cafe

    American-Japanese fusion cafe

    Developed a responsive website for a minimalist American-Japanese fusion cafe based in Japan, enhancing it's online presence and user engagement. Integrated a dynamic language switching feature between Japanese and English to cater to a broader audience.

    Tailwind CSS
    Responsive Design
  • Mood Board

    Mood Board

    A fully functional mental health-focused application designed to educate users on their emotional well-being, and track changes in mood.

    Tailwind CSS
    RESTful APIs
  • Sounds Like Soma

    Sounds Like Soma

    I designed and developed a responsive website for a local Philadelphia recording studio, significantly enhancing online presence and sales. I utilized Ruby and Jekyll for site generation, Bootstrap for responsive design, Netlify for deployment and SEO best practices to boost search rankings and drive substantial increases in sales.

  • E-commerce Website Design

    E-commerce Website Design

    A product website for a clothing company selling a variety of clothing. Complete with item descriptions, size and color options, and a checkout page.

  • UX and UI Design

    UX and UI Design

    Products and mockups designed with Figma. I have a separate portfolio of designs and case studies featured on Dribble.com

    After Effects
    Adobe Illustrator
    UX / UI

About Me

I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to a dynamic team of motivated professionals dedicated to developing impactful software solutions. In my next role, I am seeking an environment that encourages personal and professional growth. I am particularly interested in opportunities where collaboration with innovative colleagues fosters a culture of idea-sharing and continuous improvement.

When I'm not at the computer, I'm usually running, hanging out with my wife and two cats, or spending too much time in my Baldur's Gate 3 campaign.

Tech I Love

My choice tech stack for personal projects is GENERALLY (but not always):

  • React
  • React Native
  • Next.js
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Node.js
  • Git
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • RESTful APIs
  • Vercel
  • MongoDB
  • Some other tech that I love and/or have built at scale with:

  • Ruby
  • Jekyll
  • Netlify
  • PHP
  • Wordpress
  • Heroku
  • Contact

    The best way to contact me is through email or LinkedIn (I'm not much of a twitter guy). Give me a shout here:

    This website was designed in Figma, coded in Visual Studio Code, built with Next.js, and deployed with Vercel by yours truly.

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